I have started collecting common weeds. It's amazing as I find out more about these weeds, to discover that some are edible, and some are even considered medicinal. So I will start to document the collection and my findings.
This is the common purslane (Portulaca Oleracea).
I found it growing in the garden and transferred it into a pot.
A quick google reveals that the portulaca sp eaten locally is commonly called Sayur Beremi or Geylang Pasir. It likes soggy ground and was a staple during the War as a green vegetable.
Found this gem botanical illustration on:
Someone described trying a Mesclun salad with endives and purslane. The purslane was juicy and possibly marinated in lemon juice to give it more flavor. Sounds like a lovely idea.
Found a lovely blog post that clarifies the portulaca species and even includes a sambal recipe:
The gist of it:
Portulaca grandiflora (inedible) is a flowering plant, whilst portulaca oleracea (edible) is a weed, herb and vegetable.
Update 26 Jun 2016:
I started introducing edible weeds into the front garden. It has been 2 weeks. This one looks happy to be where it is. Tiny flower buds are forming.