
Monday, April 13, 2015


I am rooting some organic lemongrass in water glasses. They started without any roots, in a couple of days they sprouted leaves (at the top) and developed thick roots. I leave them at the window sill - northwest facing, well lit, with no direct sunlight

It has been more than 10 days and the stalks are still going strong. The new leaves are longer and are a healthy green. The roots have extended and are starting to grow more rigorously. A couple of stalks have even developed a tiny shoot at the base. 

I should start to pot them in soil soon. 

Update 28 May 15:

So I potted the lemongrass in the images above about 2 weeks after. There were more roots and even little saplings. Some of the outer leaves were even dried up.

I left them by a lit window that did not have any direct sunlight (bad choice), but I did read somewhere that lemongrass does not need direct sunlight.

The entire stalk withered and died out in 2 weeks.

So I repeated the process of rooting. I selected thicker stalks to root this time round. I also potted the stalks in 3 weeks and am leaving the pot by a window sill that gets a couple of hours of direct sun each day.  Fingers crossed!

Update 5 August 2015:

For nearly 2 months after I potted the lemon grass, they looked like they were on the verge of dying off too. In fact one stalk did conk off. The remaining 2 looked fragile and were barely able to stand. Progress was super slow.

Then after ignoring the entire pot and almost neglecting it, the lemongrass stems started to firm up and new leaves appeared too. So now I leave the pot to its own devices in the background and hopefully it will sprout new shoots soon.

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